(Date of birth not provided)

● MS Word, Excel, Outlook, and Power Point.
● SPSS Package for Statistical Analysis.
● SmartPLS 3.0 Structural Equation Modeling (SEM).
● Microsoft Project 2013.
● SimTraffic 6.0 (Traffic Signal Simulation Software).
● Synchro 6.0 (Traffic Signal Coordination Software).
● H.C.S + (Highway Capacity Software).
● aaSIDRA (aaTraffic Signalised & unsignalised Intersection Design and Research Aid).
Professional Experience
Project Name: Constructing the intersection of Jeddah express road with the
fourth ring road in Makkah city (Cloverleaf flyover).
Project Name: Supervising the projects of Saudi northern border
Project Name: The technical supervision of bridges and underpasses
maintenance works of Riyadh city- contract No.40.
Duties: Participating in conducting different traffic and transportation
planning studies in the following projects:
1. Comprehensive public transportation planning for Jazan city,
2. Comprehensive traffic planning study for Taif city,
3. Design and study of underpasses and bridges in Jeddah and Makkah
4. Spot speed and parking studies.
5. Several traffic impact studies,
6. Project coordinator of King Abdul-Aziz road expansion project in Hail city, which includes: Traffic Study, Geometric Design, Quantity
Surveying, Landscaping Design, Road Furniture Study, Storm water Design, Pavement Design, Technical Specifications, Cost and Bill of Quantity.