(Date of birth not provided)

Reconstruction & Upgrading of Zarqa -Azraq Highway Section 1, Contract Cost (165 Mil USD):
Project Brief: The project includes the construction, completion, road signing and markings, and
drainage structure of the Upgrading and Rehabilitation of Zarqa – Azraq highway to four lanes
separated by 20m wide median, and other related works including two interchanges, in addition
to two underpasses (approx.. 60 Km Road works , 6 km Reinforced Earth walls, 9 Bridges/
Intersections , Box Culverts and pipe culverts, Water Mains and network , Telecom Duct works
for Fiber optics & civil works , road protection works and utilities.
Salt Ring Road – Section II , Salt – Jordan , Contract Cost (36 Mil JOD):
Project Brief: New Highway Construction (approx.. 12.5 Km Road works , 6 km Reinforced Earth
walls, 3 Tunnels/ under passes , Box Culverts and pipe culverts, 20 km Sewer Network , 25. km Water Mains and network , Fiber optics civil works , road protection works and utilities.
Development of commercial area in Northern of Riyadh City, stage 4 , Saudi Arabia ,Contract Cost (42 Mil R.S)
Project Brief: Buildings and roads rehabilitation , Interlock pavements and sidewalks, asphalt
works, street lighting and irrigation networks.
Traffic Safety improvement for Mosques and Schools in Riyadh City , Saudi Arabia, Contract Cost (38 Mil R.S).
Project Brief: Building Construction , Buildings rehabilitation , Road Development, High voltage
and low voltage Electrical Networks construction and maintenance, Irrigation networks , planting
works, hardscaping and soft scaping, road utilities and accessories .
Improvement & Development of Othman Bin Affan Road in Riyadh City , Saudi Arabia ,Contract Cost (11 Mil R.S).
Project Brief: Road Development Project , works include Road works , Asphalt ,Street lighting ,
Irrigation Network and planting works , Curbs , tiles , interlock , Existing underground utilities
removal & replacement .