(Date of birth not provided)

MS Office.
Critical Thinking.
Team player.
Hard worker.
ISO 55001 Certified Lead Auditor.
OHSAS ISO 18001 Certified Lead Auditor.
ISO 45001 Certified Lead Auditor.
ISO 14001 Certified Lead Auditor.
SIX SIGMA Green Belt.
RCA Certified (Taproot and 5Ps).
Continuous Improvement Champion.
PI VISION and AF from OSI.
Professional Experience
Working in AES Corporation‐Jordan branch which includes three plant with different type of
power generation (Tri‐fuel Engine and Solar PV plant), my main job description as follows:
1. Performance responsible of Diesel Engine power plant with 250 MW capacity
(WARTSILA 50DF‐18V Diesel Engine tri‐fuel. (LFO, HFO and NG)).
2. Performance responsible of 50 MW Solar PV plant.
3. Leading PPA negotiation with customer.
4. Overall Responsible for Monthly energy Invoices preparations, calculations verifying
and submitting to off‐taker on time.
5. Experience in thermal and solar plants billing system of power plant and energy field
(FAT and SAT).
6. Thermal Plants heat rate calculating for multiple fuel types (HFO, LFO and NG), analysis
and monitor the overall plant performance.
7. Overall responsible for monthly operation KPI calculating, follow up analysis, update,
analyze and prepare action plan to improve KPI.
8. KPI budget preparation, monitoring and set corrective action for any deviation MTD
and YTD.
9. Overall responsible of implementing continues improvement projects which improve
plants performance, energy, quality, safety, environment… etc. APEX (AES Performance
Excellence) champion of continuous improvement projects, applying lean tools and
methodologies, more than 20 projects achieved over my experience in AES Jordan with
annual net saving of 1 million USD/year.
10. Overall responsible of implementing the assets management system ISO 55001 and
coordination with all party to implement the best practices, overall responsible for
internal audit program, external audit and third‐party audit preparation.
11. Overall responsible of implementing the energy management system ISO 50001.
12. Lead internal auditor of ISO 14001, 45001, 50001 and 55001.
13. Overall responsible to implement the stakeholder management system, monitoring and
coordinating the execution of Stakeholder Management Plan.
14. Implementation of Root Cause Analysis as RCA Leader and follow up NCRs and the
action plan of RCA process.
15. Change management process overall responsible.
16. Lead CAPEX projects after techno‐economic analysis.
17. Overall responsible of plant performance monitoring using multiple techniques e.g (PI
VISION) and conducting engineering analysis to ensure the best plant performance.
Wartsila Gulf, Jordan Branch in Diesel Power Plant as Electrical engineer (operation and
maintenance), (Wartsila18V32 Diesel Engine).
1. Plant operation and monitoring.
2. Plant maintenance.
3. Daily, monthly and annual operation report preparation.