(Date of birth not provided)

Governmental Hospital ● Perform general surgeries and procedures, including
hernia repair, cholecystectomy, abscess drainage, colonoscopy,
appendectomy, small bowel obstruction, and colon surgery. ● Determine the
type of surgery that is needed, and the nurses, anesthesiologists, specialists,
and others who will be required. ● Order antibiotics, special diets, sedatives,
and other prescriptions for pre- and post-operative treatment. ● Oversee all
treatment prior to and post-surgery and identify potential risks or
complications and manage them accordingly. ● Ensuring sterility in the
operating room, and all equipment and instruments. ● Cooperating with other
healthcare professionals (pharmacists, nurses, psychiatrists .. etc) and
working as a multidisciplinary teamlaparascopic sur.
kharkov national university of medical university Sept 2005 – Jul 2011
specialist of general surgery
• kharkiv national medical university | 2010-2013 Grade: Very Good Jordanian
medical council jordanian board of General Surgery (Specialist of General
surgery ) | March 2023 Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery Grade: Very Good
Professional Experience
medical internship
• Duties during General Surgery rotation: ● Presented cases in the morning
round, followed up on round orders. ● Observed major surgeries and assisting
in minor surgeries. ● Learnt wound suturing along with surgical techniques
used in open and laparoscopic surgeries. ● Counseled patients regarding
wound care at home. ● Aware of potential patients who may require
immediate referral, due to the way in which they present. ● Clinical navigation
– identifying patients who may need emergency assistance. ● Supported
patients and relatives in breaking bad news. ● Attended weekly surgical
meetings where important cases were discussed. Duties during Internal
medicine rotation: ● Attended morning reports, took patients history,
performed relevant clinical examinations and formulating individual
management plans. ● Attended daily consultant rounds and presented cases
General Practitioner
• Medical Doctor / Emergency Medicine ● Performs triage on incoming
patients. ● Taking history, physical examination, diagnosing problems,
ordering tests to stabilise patients until no emergency treatment is needed,
and creating post-emergency treatment plans. ● Interpretation of laboratory
tests and imaging reposts and discussing them with the other medical
specialities to ensure the necessary actions are taken. ● Responds to all
cardiopulmonary arrests properly. ● Performs minor surgical procedures as
needed. ● Maintains clinical records in line with proper regulations and
standards. ● Clears patients for discharge or further procedures with other
Oct 2016 – Jun 2021
Jun 2021 – Apr 2023
medical specialists. ● Conducts follow-ups to monitor patient’s condition in
the wards
General Surgery Resident
• Rotating through multiple hospitals in Jordan during residency including: Albasheer, Al-Zarqa, Prince Hamza and Prince Faisal H. ● Rotated and assisted in
multiple surgical subspecialities including orthopedic, urology, cardiac,
pediatric, gastrointestinal, and plastic surgeries. ● Attended weekly surgical
meetings where important cases were discussed. ● Teaching medical
students patient consultations, clinical examinations and surgical
management according to ALS and ATLS guidelines. ● Provide preoperative
diagnosis of patients, perform the necessary emergency or elective surgery,
and provide postoperative surgical care and treatment. ● Assist with
scheduling appointments, phone calls, and preparing medical charts while
working with a diverse patient population